East Village

Orpheum Theatre on 2nd Ave
+1 212 477-2477
between 7th St and St. Marks
Public Theater
425 Lafayette St.

The Public Theater and the adjoining Joe's Pub (http://www.publictheater.org/) at 425 Lafayette St, are part of the lifeblood of the East Village. You can see shows, events, art, and Shakespeare, and hear some excellent performers of jazz, world music and so on at Joe's Pub.

Blue Man Group
Astor Place Theatre, 434 Lafayette St
+1 212 254-4370
Russian-Turkish Bathhouse
268 E 10th St

Enjoy a day of self indulgence with a very authentic Russian feel. Then nosh on bagels and cream cheese, or an authentic Russian meal in the restaurant. Maybe after all that shvitzing that's Yiddish/New Yorkese for "sweating": a huge bottle of seltzer, or fresh carrot juice is the thing you'll want most.